Beyond the Pledge.
Build the Pipeline is an innovative CEO pledge program that encourages meaningful action and advocacy towards closing the gender gap within the workplace. Through its collaborative approach, Build the Pipeline creates meaningful change by connecting CEOs to an ever-expanding network of experts, resources and actions.
With the support of companies and individuals representing a wide-array of industries and sectors including corporate, non-profit and training and education we encourage corporates and governments to be part of putting words into ACTION.
Your Pledge
What is the pledge?
Cultivate environments that support open dialogue on complex - and often difficult - conversations around diversity, equity and inclusion
Implement and expand unconscious bias education and training
Share best-known diversity, equity and inclusion programs/initiatives — as well as those that have been unsuccessful
Engage boards of directors when developing and evaluating diversity, equity and inclusion strategies
Taking the Pledge
There is no financial component and this effort was not meant to be another compliance exercise. We know that many companies have various reports and metrics in place to track their progress formally and informally. We wanted to create a different type of commitment that focused on sharing and collaborating with each other vs. one that focuses on quotas and metrics.
Next Steps
Convening leaders and supporting events
Walk the talk - be on social media talk about your pledge
Mentoring initiative - C-suite leading the way
Boards in action - aligning your boards with talent across all industries (focus on tech, finance and energy)